Oh I love all your crazy facial expressions.. I have no idea why you look so completely worried while riding on Daddy's shoulders, but I just think it's adorable.
Oh man, you sir, got to go to a friend's birthday party today and it was like little boy heaven. Supervised chaos. And it's just so fun to see you getting wild and crazy with your friends.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
You're givin' me your poker face while daddy deals the cards.
Today was busy, lots of running errands and meetings and I didn't get a picture of you till the last few moments before bed. You snuggled up to Daddy while he reads. I love that both pictures from today are of you two with your Daddy. There is just something about your relationship with him that melts my heart, seeing two people I love, love each other. And knowing what a good good man your Daddy is and feeling so blessed to parent along side him. I have one kind of love for him as my husband, but another completely different kind of love for him as your Father.
Today was busy, lots of running errands and meetings and I didn't get a picture of you till the last few moments before bed. You snuggled up to Daddy while he reads. I love that both pictures from today are of you two with your Daddy. There is just something about your relationship with him that melts my heart, seeing two people I love, love each other. And knowing what a good good man your Daddy is and feeling so blessed to parent along side him. I have one kind of love for him as my husband, but another completely different kind of love for him as your Father.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
"I want a go FAST!" you said over and over as I pushed you higher and higher. You're so fun.
The monkey bars. You love them. And these particular ones have intimidated you for a long time. You've stuck to the solid ones that are more like a ladder instead of these wiggly handle ones. But tonight, you conquered them! You started out asking me to help you, to basically carry you thru them and I did a few times but then you figured out how to make it from one and then to the other. And while I was pushing your sister, you kept trying, getting a lil further each time and never getting frustrated when you fell, just jumping up and going again. I kept watching from the swings and cheering as you made it to the next and the next. I hope you approach life like this. Finding joy in the small victories and keeping at every challenge till you reach your goal. And of course, have fun along the way.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Our fourth time at the toddler play time and you're still taking your time to warm up to the idea. You're such a funny character. A pit full of balls and while most kids dive in head first and swim around inside, you sit on the foam step next to it and reach in for one ball, show it to me, put it back in and choose another. Then when you're feeling really wild and adventurous you pick out two balls at once and put them on your face! ha ha.. oh silly girl, I love getting to know your funny lil personality.
The sun was shining and so we made mad dash for the park after school. This park is full of cool, funky play structures and this one especially calls to you . I love the look on your face in this photo, just excited and proud and adventurous.
The sun was shining and so we made mad dash for the park after school. This park is full of cool, funky play structures and this one especially calls to you . I love the look on your face in this photo, just excited and proud and adventurous.
Monday, February 24, 2014
A lil breakfast picnic in you room this morning with your brother. It brings me so much joy seeing you two wanting to be together and enjoying each other.
We had a lil fun with long exposures tonight. You had a blast running around in the dark with the flashlight. And you loved racing back to the camera to see what you'd created. Your sister didn't quite get what to do and kept switching the light on and off. I expect we'll have lots more fun with this type of thing in the future.
We had a lil fun with long exposures tonight. You had a blast running around in the dark with the flashlight. And you loved racing back to the camera to see what you'd created. Your sister didn't quite get what to do and kept switching the light on and off. I expect we'll have lots more fun with this type of thing in the future.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Awww, me and my girl. I'm so glad one of the many attempts to take a picture of you jumping on my back turned out. I just love having your giggle right in my ear while we play.
Tonight when I asked you to get your pajamas on you said "After I get my jammies on, know what I'm gonna do??"
"What?" I asked.
You've been watching your Daddy us his tower of power and so you excitedly did two reps of ten feeling so proud of yourself. I'm proud too Logan. And Daddy two when he got home and saw these pictures.
Tonight when I asked you to get your pajamas on you said "After I get my jammies on, know what I'm gonna do??"
"What?" I asked.
You've been watching your Daddy us his tower of power and so you excitedly did two reps of ten feeling so proud of yourself. I'm proud too Logan. And Daddy two when he got home and saw these pictures.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Another bath time photo. But this one is special, because your brother took it. Also because it shows how you're actually letting me rinse your hair out. This is new and wonderful.
I asked you to vacuum the rug in your room. You finished that and then asked "Can I vacuum the rest of the house!?" ha ha, boy, you are too much. Not only did you vacuum, you went and got the scrapper to scrape dirt off the floor. You amaze me.
I asked you to vacuum the rug in your room. You finished that and then asked "Can I vacuum the rest of the house!?" ha ha, boy, you are too much. Not only did you vacuum, you went and got the scrapper to scrape dirt off the floor. You amaze me.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Oh the wonders to be found at the toy isle at the Dollar Store. The whole world is made into a new wondrous place with you in it.
What are friends for, if not to pounce on the couch with? Your lil buddy from school came over today and you two had a BLAST. Legos, cars racing, couch jumping, red light green lighting, goof balling at dinner and free reign at the dollar store to pick out whatever one item you wanted. I love watching your friendships grow and develop and it's so nice having a good friend in class with you.
Just eatin oatmeal in Daddy's lap. There's something in your eyes in this photo, some sort of lil twinkle. I think it's the sitting in Daddy's lap part of the morning that brings it out.
I love taking you to the library. You act like you don't want to read with me and then I open a book and start the first line and you're drawn in. I love reading you books that I loved as a child and the fun of discovering them all over again with you. It's also fun to just goof off with you on the play payphones they have. Strangely these are likely the only phones of this kind you'll see.
I love taking you to the library. You act like you don't want to read with me and then I open a book and start the first line and you're drawn in. I love reading you books that I loved as a child and the fun of discovering them all over again with you. It's also fun to just goof off with you on the play payphones they have. Strangely these are likely the only phones of this kind you'll see.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
We splashed in the pool again, this time with your Aunty and cousins and oh how you love them. Your Aunty was making you giggle and laugh of course. It's such a blessing to have them close by.
I love walking into your room and finding your Lego creations. This one really impressed me with all your color coordination. I love your lil mind.
I love walking into your room and finding your Lego creations. This one really impressed me with all your color coordination. I love your lil mind.
You so very rarely let me comb your hair, let alone put it up in a pony tail so I thought I'd better document it while I could. It really turns into a lil girl instead of a lil toddler.
Today was very dreary and rainy and wet and cold. A real winters day. But you guys don't seem to notice and ask for Popsicles (or "Pod-di-tulls" as your sister calls them) like it's the middle of July. And since it's just frozen raspberry lemonade I oblige and it keeps you still long enough to snap a few pictures of your cute lil faces.
Today was very dreary and rainy and wet and cold. A real winters day. But you guys don't seem to notice and ask for Popsicles (or "Pod-di-tulls" as your sister calls them) like it's the middle of July. And since it's just frozen raspberry lemonade I oblige and it keeps you still long enough to snap a few pictures of your cute lil faces.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
You've learned the phrase "Right Now!" and have decided to add it to the end of each request you make. It is at the same time hilarious and horribly demanding. Not sure where you picked it up but you are mid-NOW in this photo and I just think it's too funny. You're such a diva.
Yowza. Two major studs. I am a blessed woman. And you are a blessed boy to have gotten your looks from that amazing man. I love you both.
Yowza. Two major studs. I am a blessed woman. And you are a blessed boy to have gotten your looks from that amazing man. I love you both.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
You have really started getting into pretend play. I just love it. This morning when I got out of the shower I came into your room and you looked at me and said "Shhh mommy, got be quiet. Da bear is seeeeepin'!" You had about 4 different stuffed animals all tucked in and down for naps around your room.
You Sir Logan, have an active imagination as well. Your cousin, Gabe came over today and you both were all sorts of things through out the day from an Knight and Police officer looking for a monster to arrest to goldfish in a maze and two kittens fighting. It's so fun over hearing the elaborate tails you two create and the laughter that always results.
You Sir Logan, have an active imagination as well. Your cousin, Gabe came over today and you both were all sorts of things through out the day from an Knight and Police officer looking for a monster to arrest to goldfish in a maze and two kittens fighting. It's so fun over hearing the elaborate tails you two create and the laughter that always results.
Friday, February 14, 2014
You've reached the age and the experience with me having my camera out that you now say "cheeeeese" when I pull it out. I will have to think of some creative way to break you of this habit.
I hardly saw you today my handsome heartthrob boy. We had only about 30 minutes after you got home from school before the babysitter arrived and Mommy and Daddy went out for Valentine's Day. So this photo wasn't taken today, but today you got to hand them out to all your friends. I hope you had such a fun day.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
You and your big cousin Abby. She told me today that when asked in school to share something that made her smiles she said "My cousin, Coco." awww... It's so fun seeing your lil friendship develop and the way she's so sweet with you and you're so enamored with her. Cousins are the best kind of friends.
I love visiting you in school and watching you work and hearing your teacher and other volunteers tell me how great you are and how well you're doing. It's been harder than I expected, you being at school most of the day, most days, and me not being able to see whats happening to you and wondering if you're getting what you need and if you're ok and if you're behaving. I think from here on out parenting it's going to be a series of balancing letting go and trusting you and stepping in and making sure I'm doing my job and caring the responsibility of your parent. Its proving to be a tricky unknown challenge. I am so very very proud of you.
I love visiting you in school and watching you work and hearing your teacher and other volunteers tell me how great you are and how well you're doing. It's been harder than I expected, you being at school most of the day, most days, and me not being able to see whats happening to you and wondering if you're getting what you need and if you're ok and if you're behaving. I think from here on out parenting it's going to be a series of balancing letting go and trusting you and stepping in and making sure I'm doing my job and caring the responsibility of your parent. Its proving to be a tricky unknown challenge. I am so very very proud of you.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
And there you are! Ahhh.. after a full week of a sick and fussy kid, it is SOO nice to have my happy, cheerful, playful girl back. A quick stop for a bang trim and I can see your face better too! I just love your smiling face.
"I like this kid." is a phrase my dad always said to us growing up, and somehow we knew it was his way of saying "I love you." but it also means more too. It means, "I love you, and I like you. You're enjoyable and You bring me delight." And Logan, I like you. You are so very enjoyable. Tonight we let you pick where we would eat. You chose Sonic. And so we went on a wet and windy adventure since they only have outdoor seating. You had swiped your dad's jacket and were sure you'd be plenty warm with all that extra fabric. What a fun, brave adventurer you are. I like this kid.
"I like this kid." is a phrase my dad always said to us growing up, and somehow we knew it was his way of saying "I love you." but it also means more too. It means, "I love you, and I like you. You're enjoyable and You bring me delight." And Logan, I like you. You are so very enjoyable. Tonight we let you pick where we would eat. You chose Sonic. And so we went on a wet and windy adventure since they only have outdoor seating. You had swiped your dad's jacket and were sure you'd be plenty warm with all that extra fabric. What a fun, brave adventurer you are. I like this kid.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
We've been going to the toddler play time at the gym the last two weeks and it's so fun to see you warm up and start to explore and play. You are very cautious and take each obstacle very carefully. And then wh;en you get to the top you say "Look at me!"
After a long 5 day weekend (from 3 snow days) it's back to the grind. School and homework and we're learning to tell time. You figured it out pretty quickly and said, "Oh I know! If it goes all the way around it's one hour!" as if you'd discovered a secret to the whole thing. I love your lil brilliant mind.
Monday, February 10, 2014

You're getting really good at this game. And you're also getting better at loosing with grace. Today we played twice and we were both only one card away from winning and I beat you both times. Of course you had some frustration but you did shake my hand and say "Good job, mommy," afterwards. You make me proud buddy. So very proud.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
One last snuggle with Grandpa before he heads back up to Alaska for a few weeks. You asked for him about 100 times after he left.
I finally got to go out and play with you a lil in the snow today. We made snow angles, threw snow balls, built a family of snowmen whom you karate chopped down shortly after. Helped the neighbor build a snow pig and then tracked snow inside and left our snow gear in a wet pile by the door. It was great.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Another day of fevers and fussing for you but there was a nice lil moment after the shower when you got a lil giggly and a lil peek a boo scored me this precious glimpse of my happy girl, in contrast to the clingy and sad toddler I took care of the rest of the day.
Thankfully there was a pane of glass in between me and that snowball. I love seeing you enjoy the snow. You kept saying "I wish we got this at Christmas time!" We even thought about turning on the Christmas lights that are still hanging on the house and pretending like it is Christmas. It certainly is an unexpected gift.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Today's snow day turned into a sick day for you. You spent most of the day snuggled on the couch with a blanket and the IPad with Caillou on repeat. The snuffly nose that you've had the last few days turned into a fever and by dinner time you were a clingy, miserable mess. I did like snuggling with you, but I don't like seeing you so sad and miserable. I hope you sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow. I want my happy girl back.
You on the other hand had a pretty super day. This morning while me and your dad prepared our taxes, you got to play a few games on the IPad, then your dad took you to the LEGO movie, and then you went home with your cousin for a sleep over. Luckily I snapped one of you two on the couch this morning. I'm glad you're off having fun, making memories. But I miss you too. And so does your sister. She asked for you about 10 times tonight.
You on the other hand had a pretty super day. This morning while me and your dad prepared our taxes, you got to play a few games on the IPad, then your dad took you to the LEGO movie, and then you went home with your cousin for a sleep over. Luckily I snapped one of you two on the couch this morning. I'm glad you're off having fun, making memories. But I miss you too. And so does your sister. She asked for you about 10 times tonight.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Snow Day! We hunkered down and enjoyed a day at home watching the snow and staying warm. Seeing the snow pile up on Daddy's car, you said "We go wash daddy's car!!" We ventured outside for a moment to explore before getting too cold and heading back inside. (I am from Alaska, and really this is pretty pathetic, but oh well. I've been gone too long and have wimped out big time.)
School was canceled and we got an extra day with you at home. It was lovely. And while running from the store to the car you caught a few snowflakes on your tongue. You're so fun.
School was canceled and we got an extra day with you at home. It was lovely. And while running from the store to the car you caught a few snowflakes on your tongue. You're so fun.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The dance we do every day to get you dressed is getting more and more complicated and tiresome. You are certainly two years old and assertive in your opinions. You would prefer to never get dressed nor undressed. Whatever state you are in, you want to stay in that state. I'm pretty sure that's one of the laws of toddlerdom.
Sorry! It's the name of the game. Literally. And it was a close game. We all were racing our last pawn towards home and mommy won. You sunk down into your chair, crossed your arms and said "I don't like loosing." No one does. You are the product of two pretty competitive people. Teaching you good sportsmanship and to enjoy the game even if you don't win, is proving to be a challenge.
Sorry! It's the name of the game. Literally. And it was a close game. We all were racing our last pawn towards home and mommy won. You sunk down into your chair, crossed your arms and said "I don't like loosing." No one does. You are the product of two pretty competitive people. Teaching you good sportsmanship and to enjoy the game even if you don't win, is proving to be a challenge.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
We got blessed with some beautiful surprise snow fall today when we walked out of the gym. It was glorious and beautiful and my Alaskan heart was happy. You were not so sure, saying "It's raining, mommy!" since you've really only been in snow a few times. We tried catching a few in our hands and enjoyed the beauty of it for a while. I love having you with me to share these fun moments with during the day. Life is better when it's shared, and you my darling, give me that gift everyday.
Logan, I am so grateful for your helpful spirit. Offering to carry the basket while I wrangle your sister at the store. You're a sweet heart. And as I look at this picture, I see a glimpse into the future, a lil man, not a boy.
Logan, I am so grateful for your helpful spirit. Offering to carry the basket while I wrangle your sister at the store. You're a sweet heart. And as I look at this picture, I see a glimpse into the future, a lil man, not a boy.
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