Sunday, January 5, 2014


You've been fighting your naps lately, young lady. You go down just easy as pie but then spend the time you should be sleeping talking up a storm, laughing and giggling and of course yelling for me. When I finally give up and come in you turn on your charm and say "I take a nap! I get down now!" Today I sat down in the rocking chair and watched as you continued to play and goof off. You can't possibly be done with naps yet. Please don't be. I finally let you out of your cage when you did this and said "I have boogie, mommy." 

We stopped and played at the playground after church today. You were zipping all over and climbing to the top of everything, and I could hardly keep up. You're always saying "Mommy, watch this! Look at me! Look what I'm doing!" And I worry that you don't feel like I am watching, or that I'm not giving you enough attention. Because of course my attention is divided. I am watching Cora, because of course she is so needy. I am watching too though my dear and marveling at how quickly you're growing and how fun you are and what confidence you attack these "obstacles" with. Please know that I hear you and am watching. 

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