Monday, March 31, 2014


 ahhh ha ha, I just love that look of worry on your face as your brother winds up the swing. Oh the ways he will open your world and push you further into trying and exploring.
"Best patient we've had all day." That's what they said. And you were. So calm and still as they worked put all those tubes and tools in your lil mouth. You must have got this from your father. As a kid I loathed the dentist and even today have to convince myself to be a big girl and go. Well done buddy.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


 My tiny giant. You scaled the ladder to the tree house at Tutu's fearlessly and I am seeing less and less of my baby girl and more and more of an adventurous lil kid. Go get em girl!
Legos. Your faithful companions, your source of endless joy, creativity and possibilities. And it took you all of 3 days to put together all the new sets you received for your birthday. And it's only taken me 3 days to get around to cleaning up all those balloons.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


I took a whopping five photos today. That's it, just five. It was a busy day and that's all I managed to make time for, but I'm glad I caught these moments, of the two of you laughing at your silly Papa during breakfast. Eggs with a side of giggles. The breakfast of champions.

Friday, March 28, 2014


 Today we had a full house. Lots of people and kids here for your brother's birthday. And you held your own with all of them, but I was pretty busy with everything and there were lots of times when I didn't know where you were. One of these times, I went looking for you and found you alone in your room with the door closed playing happily with your kitchen. You've been doing that a lot lately, saying "I wanna go to my room." I'm wondering if this is the introverted part of your father coming out in you, just wanting to be alone a lil bit. It's darling my dear.
7 years old. Holy moly. You are amazing my boy, and I am so blessed to be your mother. Today you had friends and family and cake and presents and ice cream and games and balloons and songs and love. I hope thru all of the hyper activity of the party today, that you felt the love and that you know how much we love having you in our world.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


 Your cousin's came down to visit from Washington for the first time. You so rarely get to see them but when you're together it's just playing an laughing and having fun non stop. Your cousin Ella is such a sweat heart with you.
The boys are back in town. And there isn't anything better than your daddy, uncle and grandpa all playing at the playground with you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


 This is your "I just smelled a flower!" face.
This is your "Let's see what happens to the golf ball when the van runs over it." face.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


 You make such a darling lil welcoming committee for daddy's arrival home.
Most nights, about a half hour before your dad gets home, while I'm starting dinner, you and your sister go crazy. Something triggers you guys and you just use up the last of my patience so that when your dad walks in the door, I'm ready to pull my hair out. Today though, you two were lil angles! You sat on your opposite ends of the table while I cooked in the kitchen, quietly doing your respective tasks. It was a miracle.

Monday, March 24, 2014


 You did not want to get out of the bath. You did not want to be wrapped in a towel. You wanted to be naked. I let you. Once I snapped a picture of your unhappy self.
Legos with friends on the front steps. For some reason that's the perfect place to play. I like over hearing your lil voices creating elaborate stories for the spaceships you're building.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Another swinging sun flare photo... I just can't help it. When the sun is out and you're swinging it's just too perfect.

I invited you to come join me on a blanket in the back yard and play cards and you were reluctant, saying you were bored and that sounded boring. Well, I persuaded you and I brought out the lil mini Kroket set my parents brought us from Germany. And what a fun challenge it was to play on the blanket! You were laughing and laughing and laughing as we played.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Up and down, up and down. You love to slide. And I love to catch you at the bottom. With my camera, that is.

You won the contest to guess how many Legos were in the cup at your cousin's birthday party. This did not surprise me, you are all about being exact and precise.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Just one today. Because it contains my whole entire heart.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


 The dog that lives at Logan's piano teacher's house has terrified you for quite a while. You would look at her through the glass door and be happy to watch but as soon as the door opened and she came bounding toward you, you'd FREAK OUT. But slowly each week you've been getting braver and braver and today, when Cooper came inside, you acted as if this dog was the greatest thing on the planet. She even licked your face multiple times and you just giggled and squealed with excitement. Your dad watched and seriously asked if we should swing by the Dog shelter on the way home and get one of our own joy inducing puppies. Maybe you're ready for a furry friend.
While at the cycle shop today with your Dad, you saw a bike just your size. You were so thrilled to learn that they make them for kids and wanted to know how much it cost. The tag on them didn't say but you saw 49cc and said "It's only 49 cents!"  oh the disappointment when we explained what that meant and that the price was closer to $2000. Start saving buddy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 I had a great idea. I'll reuse those lil bottles your dad got you kids from the convenient store. And I'll let you guys decorate them! And of course the only thing I had that would stay on them after they're washed was a couple sharpies. You were thrilled and got to work on your bottle. And at first I was thinking I was such a clever and creative and resourceful mom. That is until I left you unattended for a full 20 seconds and returned to a few new scribbles on the table. And until I tried to take the Sharpy away from you and was unsuccessful at distracting you with a washable marker. Yeah, you were not having it. You'd tasted the thrill of the permanent marker and would settle for nothing less. yeah... Sharpies were a mistake. I know now.
Today was the last day of school before spring break and you came home with a new library book. I was so impressed when you showed me how far into the thick chapter book your bookmark was and all the way home the only sound I heard from behind me was the turning of the page as you kept zipping through Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  When we got home you flopped onto the couch and stayed there another 30 minutes finishing the whole book! I was floored. What a reader I have! Then I asked a few questions about what it was about and slowly realized, you were only describing the pictures.  So I asked, Did you read all the words or just the words in the little comics? Just the comics.. ohhhhhh. Well, I guess we've got some real reading to do over spring break.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


 You my darling are pure joy incarnate. You were so tickled to just hold a flower and sit under the tree while I snapped away. You reminded me of Ferdinand.
You and your cuz just enjoying some fro-yo together. I love that you have such a fun friend.

Monday, March 17, 2014


 You are so very loved my dear. and treasured and adored. You delight those around you constantly. You're just a treasure.
Spring has sprung while we were away and it's sooo nice to see you spend hours outside in the sunshine with your friends. I'm not sure what was happening while I watched you and Jesse chase April down the sidewalk like this, while she sang "Let it go!" from Frozen at the top of her lungs. Maybe you were reenacting the movie, or just being wild and crazy boys. Either way, it's precious.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


(So Jon and I spent the last week on an amazing kid-free vacation and so obviously I couldn't photograph Logan or Cora. I've decided to just skip that week and continue on with my project. It'll now end a week later but that's ok. It's my project and I'll do what I want.)

 Today was spent like this, half dressed or in pjs relaxing and playing and hugging and snuggling and giggling. After being away from you two for a week, we just wanted to spend the whole day playing and being together. It was wonderful.
Is it creepy that I took a photo of you in the shower? You didn't seem to be bothered, just started posing and giving me funny faces. I snagged this one before my lens started fogging up. I love your silliness.

Friday, March 7, 2014


 Today was one of the first gloriously spring-like sunny days this year and it was great to go to the park and enjoy it with you. Swinging in the sunshine is the best!
Oh, what a perfect teachable moment we had today. As we walked to the park, you rode along on your bike. Your daddy noticed that your shoe laces were hanging pretty low and could possibly get caught on your pedals. He made you stop so he could tuck them in and you only stood still long enough for him to get one shoe done. He said, "Let me tuck in the other one..." and you said "I'm fine!"  Well, not 50 feet later down the path, what should happen, but your shoe lace gets stuck and down you go. Daddy knows best now doesn't he?

Thursday, March 6, 2014


 No one can make you giggle like your brother.
I'm making a rare appearance on my own blog. I love this photo. I made my husband take some photos of us while we were dancing. You like to stand on my feet and your sister likes to spin and well, part of the dance of motherhood requires balance.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


 I love this age. Where a stool tipped over on the ground is all the playground you need.

You were using my phone to time how long it took you to eat, chew and swallow one bite of your burrito. You made this face when you clocked in a speedy 7 second bite. I love the way you can make anything fun.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


 Man, I was so proud of you today. We were at the toddler play time, and you got really interested in this lil roller coaster car they had. You would ride it a few times and then of course another lil kid would come up to it and want a turn. I was so impressed with how well you understood the concept of letting them have a turn. I of course had to encourage you to share and let the other kids take their turn but you didn't throw a fit, just waited and even would clap for them while they rode it. I know I'm biased but I'm pretty much convinced you are the best toddler ever.
Weee! Lots of riding today! You and Jesse had such a ball with that skate board. I just love watching you two play. I'm so glad you've got friends in the neighborhood so these fun moments can happen.

Monday, March 3, 2014


 I feel like this photo captures our wild, precious and mundane life pretty well. There's of course the wild: you and your brother chasing each other while carrying the ottomans. Which of course was some fun game your brother thought up, and you loved it; the precious. And of course the mundane laundry basket on the piano stool, groceries, toys and homework on the counter, and there's even something cooking in the microwave. Yep, this is my life. And I love it.
I love that you create fun wherever you go, whatever you're doing. All you need is a blanket and you've created a game and a story and fun out of nothing. I love that smile, the way your eyes glow and your face just shines.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Oh my goodness gracious.. I couldn't choose just one. I couldn't. When I went to put Cora down for a nap, she was fussing a lil like she usually does, resisting being put down. I normally rock her and read her a story before putting her down. When she said "I want a Logan rock you..." Logan heard and came bounding in to help. I was too much adorable cuteness to resist so I grabbed my camera and let them rock with each other. And I'm so glad I did.

My heart is so very blessed by the two of you. And that blessing seems to be multiplied exponentially when you two love on each other. I hadn't anticipated this part of parenting. The part where my heart aches and beams at the same time with love and gratitude and pride. I love you both so very very much.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


You two were goofing off and "hiding" under the covers and giggling and it was just too adorable. I love the way your hair is all disheveled when you come up for air.
You learned at that great birthday party yesterday that cooking is science. And so of course when I asked you to help me with dinner tonight, you said "I need my goggles!!" You were a great helper... I mean, scientist.

February Runner Ups

It's funny, for the shortest month of the year, looking back through this months pictures, it seems like it's been a really long time since I took the first ones! Things like Cora being sick and the snow seem ages ago! I'm enjoying this lil exercise of reviewing the month and creating a big glance at the month as a whole. So here it is, February.  Be sure to check out January's if you haven't yet.