Sunday, March 2, 2014


Oh my goodness gracious.. I couldn't choose just one. I couldn't. When I went to put Cora down for a nap, she was fussing a lil like she usually does, resisting being put down. I normally rock her and read her a story before putting her down. When she said "I want a Logan rock you..." Logan heard and came bounding in to help. I was too much adorable cuteness to resist so I grabbed my camera and let them rock with each other. And I'm so glad I did.

My heart is so very blessed by the two of you. And that blessing seems to be multiplied exponentially when you two love on each other. I hadn't anticipated this part of parenting. The part where my heart aches and beams at the same time with love and gratitude and pride. I love you both so very very much.


Sarah said...

This is the cutest ever! Bottom one is my fave. :)

Sara Macdonald said...

omg that is just so precious.