Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Runner Ups

It felt like May dragged on. I'm not sure why, I actually missed a day of taking your pictures and other days just, barely found time to snap one before bed. And yet, when I went through the month, I still found many I love. I think sometimes looking at the photo the same day I took it, I see different things than looking back at it weeks later. On the day I took it, I remember so well, what was happening, and how it felt and what I was trying to capture, and so in some ways, I don't pick those photos because they're not exactly what I wanted. But then when I see them again later, I notice other things, and am so glad I took them and that while the memory isn't as vivid, the picture holds part of it for me to drink in again and taste something new and different.


 We went and picked strawberries and I was ill prepared. You didn't last very long before the heat and the dust got to you and you were done.
Waiting for the tractor to come pick us up and bring us back to our van. You and your cousin were filthy by the time we got back. Ahh.. life on the farm.

Friday, May 30, 2014


You were both cranky tonight, but for a few moments, bubbles made everything better. Thank you, bubbles.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


 Anything and everything your brother does, you want to join in and do as well. You fearlessly climbed in and held on tight and loved every minute.
I remember being a kid about your age and loving tree climbing. I don't know what it is about it, but it's just good ol' fashioned fun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The shower at the pool. Where you could stand under the warm water and let it wash over you for ever if I didn't coax you away with promises of dinner at McDonald's. 
 Whatever that square power box thing is, you guys have turned it into your store front and have all sorts of imaginary transactions and pretend responsibilities attached to it. It's fun to play "work" when you're a kid.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


 You tell me to sit in front of you while you swing and "go be funny, mommy."
Oh just swingin' with Daddy. I love the trust you have in him.

Monday, May 26, 2014


 I poked my head in why you and daddy were sharing the shower. I love these slow mornings with daddy and you.
Hangin' with the big kids, holdin' your own. You're growing up, right before my eyes, you're becoming a big kid.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


I didn't take a photo of either of you today. Sigh.. I needed a break. And that's o.k. I'm o.k with that.

I was watching you both though, just not through my lens.

Cora, you didn't want to stay in the church nursery for anything, and made leaving you a painful departure. I wasn't surprised when your number came up and I rescued you from your toy filled prison. You didn't want anything to do with the family room, so I braved having you in the service with me. You did amazingly well for most of it and sat in your chair, pointed out numbers and letters on the slides and during the worship song, I saw you watching the people in front of us and raising your hands when they did. I'll make a good lil' church girl out of you yet.

And you sir, you love church. You love seeing your friends, and not just kids, you've got three or four adults you make your rounds to seeing and whenever I can't find you I just have to look for them and there you are. Your buddy Jeremiah is always a go to, and I find you discussing all sorts of things, and other times just hanging on his arm, swinging around. I'm so glad you have these cool people in your life.

I love you both so very much.

Ok, now back to pictures.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


 I love playing games with you. You are so stinkin' clever and totally almost stumped me with one of your patterns today. You truly are a master mind.
Sippy cup lids are like matching socks. Where do they all go? And God knows, if I do not put a lid on your cup, you will spill it. Every time.

Friday, May 23, 2014


 You were being dragged around the house by your brother and you kept saying "weee!! weee!!!"
 Your daddy has been introducing you to the Star Wars Trilogy. I asked you to make the face you made when you found out who Luke's father was. This is what you did :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


 Daddy was working hard doing yard work and you wanted to join him. I love the way you want to be with him, just doing whatever he's doing. You were a great lil helper too!
My brave boy! Taking a big ol' bite of a lime. I love your adventurous spirit!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


 The sprinkler came out today, and unlike last summer, you were thrilled. You didn't get soaked but you did bravely follow your brother as he ran though it a few times. Way to go baby girl!
 The best way to get a drink on a hot day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


 While checking out at the grocery store, you found a necklace.
Rolling down a grassy hill. This is summer. This is childhood. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


 Runnin' in the sun
You keep climbing higher every time.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


 Every toy is a phone to you, these days.
The wind up before the spit.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014


 Some mornings you wake up just extra cuddly. And I don't mind.
The game of hiding from the camera, has  now turned into make the craziest face and block it with your hand.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


 One of my favorite times of day is when you've woken up from your nap and are just happy and goofy.
When you're flyin' high, take my heart along
I'll be the harmony to every lonely song
That you learn to play

When you're soarin' through the air
I'll be your solid ground
Take every chance you dare
I'll still be there
When you come back down
When you come back down

-Nickel Creek

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


 You said "Sing mommy!" and as I belted out my best Motley Crue, you played along and said "Good singing mommy! Sing louder!"
You guys were suspiciously quiet in the back yard, and when I came to investigate, this is what I found. Who needs fancy toes or playgrounds when you have two old apple boxes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


 As you swung the flag around you said "Look at my kite, mommy!"
I am forever amazed at what you can turn into a gun.