Sunday, May 25, 2014


I didn't take a photo of either of you today. Sigh.. I needed a break. And that's o.k. I'm o.k with that.

I was watching you both though, just not through my lens.

Cora, you didn't want to stay in the church nursery for anything, and made leaving you a painful departure. I wasn't surprised when your number came up and I rescued you from your toy filled prison. You didn't want anything to do with the family room, so I braved having you in the service with me. You did amazingly well for most of it and sat in your chair, pointed out numbers and letters on the slides and during the worship song, I saw you watching the people in front of us and raising your hands when they did. I'll make a good lil' church girl out of you yet.

And you sir, you love church. You love seeing your friends, and not just kids, you've got three or four adults you make your rounds to seeing and whenever I can't find you I just have to look for them and there you are. Your buddy Jeremiah is always a go to, and I find you discussing all sorts of things, and other times just hanging on his arm, swinging around. I'm so glad you have these cool people in your life.

I love you both so very much.

Ok, now back to pictures.

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