Thursday, October 16, 2014


 A big pile of laundry on the bed is so very inviting to a freshly washed lil naked child.
Oh the epicness that was this moment. We were driving home from school, a normal bit of mundane when I spotted the huge flock of grazing geese in the field across the street. I said "Logan! Look at all those birds! oh man, we should go run through them! Wanna go??" and you of course answered "YES!" and so we did. We drove the car as close as we dared, shut the doors quietly, crept up on them and when they started to notice us, we ran straight at them and up, up, up they went. I was laughing and running and then stopped to get pictures as the whole group of hundreds of geese took flight and honked and honked as you ran below them. The sun was shining and the site was spectacular. It was such a fun moment. We watched them circle around and fly in and out of V formations and honk and honk some more until we decided we should get out of the way so they could land and return to eating and resting in peace. Oh what a simple thrill it was. I'm so glad we got to share this beautiful, wild and precious moment.

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