Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I loath grocery shopping. Like have to psych myself up for each trip, and will not go until we absolutely have nothing left to eat in the house. Today, we absolutely needed to go, and I think I timed it right. You were pretty happy and content in the cart for most if but then wanted out. Which is usually when the trip goes down hill, because I try to find something to distract you, in order to keep you in the cart. Well today, I let you and put you to work. I told you what what to grab and you worked hard at putting each item in the cart. It definitely was a slower process than normal, but you did great and were a good lil helper. Thank you for making one of my least favorite chores much more enjoyable today.
The home improvement project that never ends. Still working on that bathroom. It's getting closer though and you're being a good sport helping Daddy out when he needs an extra pair of hands. I remember doing this sort of thing for my Dad when I was your age. He is color blind so us kids always had to tell him which wires were red when he was wiring the light switches or if he needed to reach something down a small hole, he'd ask for "someone with little arms!". I'm glad you're getting some of the similar experiences I had growing up.


Anonymous said...

Love the grocery shot :)

Leann Goode said...

I am TOTALLY with you on the grocery shopping! I only go when everyone in my house is begging me!!! Great shots! Both of them! Love the depth of field, and both kids look so intent on their jobs!

Emma Wyeth said...

Ah, grocery shopping. I tend to do it on the weekend and leave the kids with Daddy. It's so much less stressful that way. Although they do love helping.

Lou said...

I heart online shopping! Great helpers you have there hope it sticks for you.

Renee Bell said...

what a fun time shopping, love that shot!