Monday, January 6, 2014


You are my lil travel buddy. If we're running errands or picking up Logan from school you are my backseat driver pointing this way and that and saying "Dat way mommy! Dat way!" and telling me what you see. "Two Trucks!" "Birdies flyin away!"  And your trusty stuffed dog tags along too.
*I took this at a red light. Prob just as bad as texting while driving. But it's something I so often see, her lil head in the rear view mirror, I was quick and careful ;) 

I spoiled you two today. Took you to McDonald's and let you play in the play place. I was too grossed out by the ants in the kitchen to cook anything and you were creating a jungle gym out of the living room furniture. We only eat out once a week, on Thursdays and today was Monday, but I just had to get out of the house and honestly I was tired of only ever saying, "do your homework, clean up that mess, stop fighting with your sister..." I wanted to be the bearer of good news. And it was good news to you and even though you've been getting tired of my taking your picture everyday you rewarded me with a sweet chicken nugget filled smile. I'll take it. 


C. Jane said...

I know that red light!

Leann Goode said...

Already tired of a picture everyday? Lol!

Angela Watts said...

I know! I mean, in his defense, I already took pictures of him quite often but I think because he's back in school now, there's only a few hours of daylight when he's home, that makes it tougher. Come on Summer time!!

Angela Watts said...

Ha ha... wow, impressive!