Friday, January 29, 2016


The children's museum is the perfect place to meet some friends on a rainy day. You two were squealing while playing with this fan/tube contraption. So much fun!
A minute to win it night at your school. Oh the concentration!

Friday, January 22, 2016


If you're gonna play with blocks, you better spread them all across the living room floor. (Also, look! Daddy took you to get your hair cut while I was gone last week. It looks pretty cute and the best part is you actually let us brush it on occasion now! Now more giant tangles!)
Hot Chocolate is always better with a straw. And a silly face.

Friday, January 15, 2016


The Uncle David rodeo won out for this week's photo. I am so grateful for the memories you with both grow up with filled with amazing family members and cousins and uncles and fun and love.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Snow day. Oh boy. You wanted so badly to go outside and play in it like your brother, but when I pulled out the snow pants you pulled out your grumpy face and getting you to wear them + your booths + gloves took all my negotiating tactics. All bundled up you unhappily marched outside. You held back as Logan and I made snowballs out of the very icey snow. You finally forgot your grudge long enough to join us for maybe a total of 6 minutes before throwing your gloves off and saying you were cold and wanted to go inside. Sigh... But hey. I got this cute picture of you throwing a snowball at the van. Your brother was cracking up since it most definitely went behind you instead of towards the van at all.

Our new Christmas kitty. You love him. And for the most part he seems to love you, or at least tolerates all the playing and tugging and tucking that you do with him. When I asked you to practice your piano you didn't want to be separated so you tucked him into your shirt and he actually stayed there while you practiced. If only we could get him to play with you, then we'd have an internet sensation!