Tuesday, January 7, 2014


You are a selective eater aka picky lil bird of an eater. It's tricky getting you to eat much more than a birds portion and it's got to be the right stuff. I guess it's payback for me, since I was the queen of selective eaters as a child. Luckily we've discovered that you love hummus and just need something to scoop it with and you'll eat your lil heart out.

Ahhh the magical glow of the screen. How you love it. But I'm a meany and make you earn your limited time. As long as I create a To Do list for you to check off you're usually a pretty good sport about doing your homework, practicing your piano and completing a chore before using your allotted Ipad time. It's almost mind boggling how much this sort of technology will be shaping the world you grow up into. What will your kids be playing on?


Renee Bell said...

oh yes - have to earn iPad time here too! great shots!

Leann Goode said...

Your photos are beautiful! Your little girls eyes are so darn cute! And I love the happiness the magical glow gives. I don't think you are a meany at all! Earning screen time is a privilege!!

Angela Watts said...

Thanks Renee!

Angela Watts said...

Thank you! Yeah, Cora has those eyes that just melt you! And I agree, I love the happiness and the peace and quiet.. ha ha.. it's a privilege for me too ;)