Thursday, January 23, 2014


 Yep, at 25 months, you are still asking to be breastfed. And I oblige sometimes happily, sometimes reluctantly.  I am tired of it, or at least the inconvenience of it but I do like the way it forces me to sit and just stare at you and you just stare at me and you're still my lil baby and I'm still your momma who has everything you need. I probably should just be done with it and stop letting you, but maybe I'm not ready to be done.
Once a week I volunteer in your classroom. I try to help and make myself useful but it is a Spanish immersion class and my Spanish is still pretty rough so I do feel a lil lost at times. You on the other hand are right in there, possibly a lil clueless at times but not bothered at all, just having fun, learning and working hard. And of course goofing off a lil. I was worried you'd have a hard time, this being your first year at this new school, with a new language but you've adjusted and have friends galore. Well done buddy, well done.


Sara Macdonald said...

Beautiful. My almost 3 year old is still breastfeeding too ;)

Sarah said...

Aww yay for still nursing! Way to go, mama! We are still going here at 13 months. I made it a year, so why not go for two now (I think..), haha. :)

Renee Bell said...

oh sweet - enjoy the quiet moments with your bubba :)
and yay for enjoying school!!! I'd love to know Spanish!