Wednesday, January 22, 2014


 While waiting to pick up your brother from school today, you talked to your shadow. Probably saying something like "Where have you been all winter? We've missed you!"
Asking you to help with the laundry means, you'll be helpful for about 15 minutes, sorting the socks and underwear.. and then you'll get bored and get wild and well, I can either fight you or join you. Today I joined you and I'm glad I did. Yes, there's still laundry to be folded, but we had fun in our sheet tent.


Emma Wyeth said...

So cute talking to her shadow. Felicity has started having very detailed conversations with herself in the mirror

Sarah said...

So cute! Love the perspective in the laundry photo and of course the shadow one! Her expression is priceless.

Leann Goode said...

I love the shadow picture! Purple is my all-time favorite color!!