Monday, March 3, 2014


 I feel like this photo captures our wild, precious and mundane life pretty well. There's of course the wild: you and your brother chasing each other while carrying the ottomans. Which of course was some fun game your brother thought up, and you loved it; the precious. And of course the mundane laundry basket on the piano stool, groceries, toys and homework on the counter, and there's even something cooking in the microwave. Yep, this is my life. And I love it.
I love that you create fun wherever you go, whatever you're doing. All you need is a blanket and you've created a game and a story and fun out of nothing. I love that smile, the way your eyes glow and your face just shines.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It is so wonderful to see siblings get along so well and have a great time together.