Monday, April 7, 2014


 Well aren't you a good lil Oregonian? You seriously, with no prompting whatsoever ran up to this tree and hugged it saying "I love dis tree!" You hugged about 10 other ones to and from the park. You're too much.
You wore yourself out at the park. You were playing freeze tag or something with a bunch of other kids and on the walk home, moped and whined and wanted to be carried because your "legs are soooooooooo tired!!" well, I held strong and didn't carry you for any of the whopping 4 blocks, we just kept taking breaks. And my dear, it wasn't cause I couldn't carry you, it's that I couldn't carry both you and your sister and if I carried one, I'd have to carry the other. So we all walked. And hey, I liked all the lil breaks we took.

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