Thursday, February 6, 2014


 Snow Day! We hunkered down and enjoyed a day at home watching the snow and staying warm. Seeing the snow pile up on Daddy's car, you said "We go wash daddy's car!!" We ventured outside for a moment to explore before getting too cold and heading back inside. (I am from Alaska, and really this is pretty pathetic, but oh well. I've been gone too long and have wimped out big time.)
School was canceled and we got an extra day with you at home. It was lovely. And while running from the store to the car you caught a few snowflakes on your tongue. You're so fun.


Leann Goode said...

We had a snow day too! But we didn't venture outside, the windchill was a -10. Love your pictures today!!! :-)

Sarah said...

Oh so beautiful! I am in love with the second one.