Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We've been going to the toddler play time at the gym the last two weeks and it's so fun to see you warm up and start to explore and play. You are very cautious and take each obstacle very carefully. And then wh;en you get to the top you say "Look at me!" 
After a long 5 day weekend (from 3 snow days) it's back to the grind. School and homework and we're learning to tell time. You figured it out pretty quickly and said, "Oh I know! If it goes all the way around it's one hour!" as if you'd discovered a secret to the whole thing. I love your lil brilliant mind.


Emma Wyeth said...

I love the look of concentration on his face.

Sarah said...

ah it's so sad to come back to reality… i.e. school. ;)