Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"I want a go FAST!" you said over and over as I pushed you higher and higher. You're so fun.

The monkey bars. You love them. And these particular ones have intimidated you for a long time. You've stuck to the solid ones that are more like a ladder instead of these wiggly handle ones. But tonight, you conquered them! You started out asking me to help you, to basically carry you thru them and I did a few times but then you figured out how to make it from one and then to the other. And while I was pushing your sister, you kept trying, getting a lil further each time and never getting frustrated when you fell, just jumping up and going again. I kept watching from the swings and cheering as you made it to the next and the next. I hope you approach life like this. Finding joy in the small victories and keeping at every challenge till you reach your goal. And of course, have fun along the way.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love the perspective and the joy in both of these.